Ashlyn Anderson

Departmental Scholar of Biology: Summa Cum Laude

Effects of temporal variation on ambient light in Northwest Arkansas

Thesis Advisor: Erica Westerman

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.



Mia Dalton

College Scholar of Political Science: Cum Laude

Motivational Factors for Latinas Seeking Elected Office at the Local Level

Thesis Advisor: Xavier Medina Vidal

Put in the effort to meet your teachers; the teachers I had in the honors program are the ones I will stay connected and friends with. They have helped me academically, professionally, and mentally throughout my college experience.


Elizabeth Dowd

Departmental Scholar of Political Science: Cum Laude

Backlogged or Logjammed:  An Analysis of the Patterns that Surround the Rape Kit Backlog across Jurisdictions   

Thesis Advisor: Karen Sebold


Brenna Frandson

Departmental Scholar of Economics: Summa Cum Laude

Analyzing the Impact of Natural Disasters on Education: A Case Study of Hurricane Harvey on Students in Texas

Thesis Advisor: Robert Stapp


Hannah Kiely

Departmental Scholar of Political Science: Cum Laude

Congressional Gender Parity and Open Seat Races: An Analysis of the 2018 United States Senate Election

Thesis Advisor: Karen Sebold


Chase Alexander Laird

Departmental Scholar of Psychology: Summa Cum Laude

Intuition, Deliberation, and Hierarchy Endorsement

Thesis Advisor: Scott Eidelman

Whatever your goals or pursuits, make certain you can appreciate the journey getting there. Future achievements and accolades motivate us, but only true passion for the process can see us through to completion.


Patricia Lambe

Departmental Scholar of Chemistry, Biochemistry Emphasis: Summa Cum Laude

Biomimetic Hydrogen-Bonding Organocatalysis within Porous Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) Nanomaterials

Thesis Advisor: Hudson Beyzavi


Valerie Lomonte

Departmental Scholar of Chemistry: Summa Cum Laude

Maltotriose Conjugated Metal-Organic Frameworks for Selective Targeting and Photodynamic Therapy of Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells and Tumor Associated Macrophages    

Thesis Advisor: Hudson Beyzavi

Remember to take care of yourself! Take time away from school and do things you enjoy!


Caleb Mathis

Departmental Scholar of Music: Cum Laude

Programming and teaching the standard saxophone recital

Thesis Advisor: Daniel Abrahams


Billie Niznik

College Scholar of Geology: Cum Laude

Subsurface Correlation and Well Log Evaluation of the Wilcox Formation, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, USA       

Thesis Advisor: Glenn Sharman


Laura Potts

Departmental Scholar of Anthropology: Cum Laude

Biography of a Stone Tool

Thesis Advisor: Marvin Kay


Emily Tolar

Departmental Scholar of Psychology: Magna Cum Laude

Emotion Regulation and N2 Amplitude During a Go/Nogo Task: an ERP study

Thesis Advisor: Connie Lamm


Drew Vander Leest

Departmental Scholar of Biology: Summa Cum Laude

The Effect of Chaotropic Salts on Proteins and Lipids of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria

Thesis Advisor: Mack Ivey


Veronica Waidner

Departmental Scholar of Mathematics: Summa Cum Laude

Computerized Vizualizations of the Hilbert Embedding Theorem

Thesis Advisor: Chaim Goodman-Strauss


Katie Welch

Departmental Scholar of Psychology: Cum Laude

Hovering or invalidating? Examining nuances in the associations between controlling parents and problematic outcomes for college students

Thesis Advisor: Jennifer Veilleux