Jacobs Gilbert           

Departmental Scholar of History: Magna Cum Laude

The Cutting Room Floor: Forgotten Impressions of the New Hollywood and the Cinema of the 1960s and 1970s

Thesis Advisor: Patrick Williams

Dr. Trish Starks reminded me how exciting it can be to learn and how grateful we should be for the chance to grow through education.



Carson Henderson

Departmental Scholar of History: Magna Cum Laude

South Africa’s Culture War: A Cultural Analysis of Film and Comic Book Propaganda in the Waning Years of Apartheid

Thesis Advisor: Todd Cleveland

In my junior year, I once walked across campus at around 4 in the morning, just to take in the sights. If there’s any advice I can offer, take the opportunity to see our campus when there’s no one around, when the only company you have is the streetlamps lining the campus sidewalks. That walk through campus, coupled with the memories that I made here, helped me to understand that the greatest decision I’ve ever made was to attend the University of Arkansas.


Rachel Hutchings

College Scholar of History: Magna Cum Laude

Non-Muslim Integration Into the Early Islamic Caliphate Through the Use of Surrender Agreements

Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Antov

Go to every event you can! Even if you feel like you don’t need to or you don’t know anyone there, just put yourself out there and attend. Its these new experiences that will push you outside of your box (even though its a comfy cozy box) and get your closer to being confident about who you are and what you want to do in the future.


Jonathan Hutter

Departmental Scholar of History: Cum Laude

South Carolina, Stono, Slavery, and the Law

Thesis Advisor: James Gigantino


William Klaviter

College Scholar of History: Cum Laude

Rise of the Lederhosen: Creating Bavarian Identity in Bismarckian Germany

Thesis Advisor: J. Laurence Hare


Eamon Lauster

College Scholar of History: Magna Cum Laude

It Lacks Garlic: Nomads, Slave Soldiers, and State Building in the Seljuk Empire (c.1030-1162)

Thesis Advisor: Nikolay Antov

If you give yourself an easy way out, you will take it. Work hard and make some friends!



Sarah Lowe

College Scholar of History: Cum Laude

Born Free?: An Examination of Women’s Rights Since Apartheid

Thesis Advisor: Todd Cleveland









Kayla Maupin

Departmental Scholar of History: Magna Cum Laude

The Phoenix Program: The Efficacy of Human Intelligence and Counterterror Operations in the Vietnam War

Thesis Advisor: Randall Woods

“Who we are matters immeasurably more than what we know or who we want to be.” -Brené Brown, Daring Greatly


Cayla McGrail

Departmental Scholar of History: Cum Laude

Female Futurity: Utopian Impulses and Feminist Alternatives

Thesis Advisor: J. Laurence Hare







Eric McLain

Departmental Scholar of History: Summa Cum Laude

The Longhorn and the Llama: LBJ, Barrientos, and US-Bolivian Relations 1964-1969

Thesis Advisor: Randall Woods

My thesis was called The Longhorn and the Llama, and it was a diplomatic history of US-Bolivian relations, specifically during the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson. I chose this topic because I knew Spanish, was passionate about diplomatic history, and I became fascinated with President Johnson during my undergraduate career. I also wanted to write something original and decided that a case study on US foreign policy implications in Bolivia during the Cold War would be a perfect topic to reach that goal. The best part about writing my thesis was that I got to research something in depth like never before, but the worst part was the prolonged writing and setting up the structure of the thesis. Defending my thesis was great because while it was intimidating in the beginning, I realized that my many classroom discussions at the University of Arkansas prepared me for the challenge. If I could give some advice for students writing their theses now, I would say do not procrastinate, stay focused, and your hard work will pay off no matter how difficult the obstacle may seem.


John Meckfessel

College Scholar of History: Magna Cum Laude

Twin Relics: Southern Slavery and Mormon Polygamy           

Thesis Advisor: Sarah Rodriguez

My thesis advisor would not allow me to settle for mediocrity. This was at times frustrating because I just wanted to be done. Because she pushed me in a constructive and encouraging way, I am now very confident in moving forward in research and writing.


Dennis Mitchell

College Scholar of History: Magna Cum Laude

Occult Forces:  Anti-masony and the Masonic Peril in France 1934-1944

Thesis Advisor: Richard Sonn


Emily Rosenau

College Scholar of History: Magna Cum Laude

The Comfort Women:  How Collaboration and Betrayal Led to Shame in 20th Century Asia

Thesis Advisor: Kelly Anne Hammond

Trust in your work! Remember what you’re writing about is important and should be shared.



Michael Webster

Departmental Scholar of History: Magna Cum Laude

“Fest” Exploring the Cultural Influence of German Celebrations in America

Thesis Advisor: J. Laurence Hare