Thesis Tuesday-Fall 2020 Graduates!
Congratulations to all of our Fall 2020 graduates! Read about all their hard work in our last blog post of the year–Thesis Tuesday!

Preparing for Fall Advising
Senior Peer Mentor Mia Alshami gives her top five tips for having a successful advising session!

Thesis Thursday-Summer 2020 Grads!
Today, we are wrapping up Thesis Thursday for the term by celebrating our Summer 2020 Graduates!

Thesis Thursday-World Languages
This week for Thesis Thursday, we are celebrating our linguists! The Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures offers five majors: Arabic, Classical Studies, French, German, and Spanish. Learn more about all of these awesome graduates in our last Thesis Thursday celebrating the Spring 2020 class!

Thesis Thursday-Sociology and Criminology
This week for Thesis Thursday, we are celebrating our fantastic graduates from the Department of Sociology and Criminology!